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Version: QTrobot V1

QTrobot JavaScript API Reference

The qtrobot.js library is JavaScript SDK for QTrobot. It is a wrapper over roslibjs which facilitate stablishing connection with QTrobot rosbridge and expose simple APIs to interact with the robot's ROS interfaces such as playing gestures, configuring the text-to-speech interface, showing emotion, etc. It also offers some generic functions to call any ROS service (call_service), publish (publish) and subscribe (subscribe) to a generic topic.

Please read QTrobot Interface documentation for the details description of available ROS interfaces for QTrobot.


QTrobot constructor method this function will automatically call the connect method with the given 'url' to the constructor


  • params object an object with the following fields
    • url: the rosbridge websocket url (e.g. ws://
    • reconnect_time: an optional delay (in ms) before traying to reconnect
    • callback.connection: an optional callback to be called upon connection
    • callback.close: an optional callback to be called on closing/disconnection
    • callback.error: an optional callback to be called upon any error on connection


Call a ros service


  • _name string service name (e.g. /qt_robot/speech/say)
  • _type string service type (e.g. qt_robot_interface/speech_say)
  • _params object an object specifying the service’s params
  • callback function a callback to get the result (optional, default null)


Publish to a ros topic


  • _name string topic name (e.g. /qt_robot/speech/say)
  • _type string topic message type (e.g. std_msgs/String)
  • _params object object specifying the message fields (e.g. {data: 'hello'})


Subscribe to a ros topic


  • _name string topic name (e.g. /qt_robot/joints/state)
  • _type string topic message type (e.g. sensor_msgs/JointState)
  • callback function a callback to receive the published message (optional, default null)


Show a facial emotion on QTrobot display


  • emotion string name of the emotion (e.g. QT/happy)
  • callback function a callback to be called after playing the emotion file (optional, default null)


Play a QTrobot recorded gesture


  • gesture string name of a gesture (e.g. QT/happy)
  • callback function a callback to be called after playing the gesture (optional, default null)


Set QTrobot speaker volume


  • volume number level in percentage (0-100)
  • callback function a callback to check the result (optional, default null)


Move all QTrobot motors to home position


  • callback function a callback to be called after homing all motors (optional, default null)


Speak a text using QTrobot TTS


  • message string text message
  • callback function a callback to be called after speaking out the message (optional, default null)


Configure QTrobot TTS engine


  • language string speech language (e.g. en_US) (optional, default 'default')
  • pitch number speech pitch value (it may not supported for all voices) (optional, default 0)
  • speed number speech talking speed (100 is the normal speed.) (optional, default 0)
  • callback function a callback to check the result (optional, default null)


Play a mp3 or wav audio file


  • name string the name of the audio file without extension (e.g. QT/5LittleBunnies)
  • path string an optional path (leave it empty '' for QTrobot default audio path) (optional, default '')
  • callback function a callback to be called after playing the audio file (optional, default null)


Speak a text using QTrobot TTS with facial emotion (moving mouth)


  • message string text message
  • callback function a callback to be called after speaking out the message (optional, default null)


Play a mp3 or wav audio file with facial emotion (moving mouth) This is useful when you want to play a recorded audio speech.


  • name string the name of the audio file without extension
  • path string an optional path (leave it empty '' for QTrobot default audio path) (optional, default '')
  • callback function a callback to be called after playing the audio file (optional, default null)