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Version: QTrobot V2

QTrobot Riva speech recognition (offline)

This tutorial requires QTrobot AI@Edge variant!

 Level:  Advanced
 Goal:  learn how to use QTrobot Offline speech recognition

In this tutorial we will learn about how to use QTrobot Offline speech recognition using Nvidia Riva.

Install Nvidia Riva ASR

  • Sign in to your Nvidia NGC portal (sign up if you don't have an account).

  • Follow the instructions for Generating Your NGC API Key to obtain an API key.

  • Use your API key to log in to the NGC registry by entering the following command and following the prompts.

    Note: The ngc CLI is already installed on the QTrobot, so no need to install it.

    ngc config set
  • Download the Embedded Riva start scripts to the ~/robot folder using the following command:

    cd ~/robot/      
    ngc registry resource download-version nvidia/riva/riva_quickstart_arm64:2.14.0
  • Modify in ~/robot/riva_quickstart_arm64_v2.14.0/ to disable unnecessary services, keeping only service_enabled_asr enabled. The relevant part of should look like this:

    # ...
    # Enable or Disable Riva Services
    # ...
    # For multiple languages enter space separated language codes such as ("en-US" "fr-FR").
    # ...
  • Initialize the Riva ASR container. This may take around 30 minutes, depending on your internet speed.

    cd ~/robot/riva_quickstart_arm64_v2.14.0
    bash ./

Start Nvidia Riva ASR

First, ensure that the Riva ASR Docker service is running. If Riva is not active, it may take 1 to 2 minutes to initialize.

cd ~/robot/riva_quickstart_arm64_v2.14.0
bash ./ ./ -s

Launch qt_riva_asr_app

You need to run the qt_riva_asr_app ROS node if it is not already running. You can check if the node is running using rosnode list.

roslaunch qt_riva_asr_app qt_riva_asr_app.launch

By default, the qt_riva_asr_app is configured to use en-US with Nvidia Riva ASR. To change the language, for example to fr-FR,

  • first ensure that you have already enabled the fr-FR language during the installation of Nvidia Riva ASR in the previous step.
  • change the language code to fr-FR in ~/catkin_ws/src/qt_riva_asr_app/config/qt_riva_asr_app.yaml:
    language_code: 'fr-FR'
    # ...

Create a python project

First we create a python project for our tutorial. let's call it tutorial_riva_vosk and add the required python file:

cd ~/catkin_ws/src
catkin_create_pkg tutorial_qt_riva rospy roscpp -D "Using Riva speech recognition"
cd tutorial_qt_riva/src
chmod +x

QTrobot speech service

Open the file and add the following code:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import rospy
from qt_robot_interface.srv import *
from qt_vosk_app.srv import *

if __name__ == '__main__':

rospy.loginfo("tutorial_qt_riva_node started!")

# define a ros service
speechSay = rospy.ServiceProxy('/qt_robot/speech/say', speech_say)
recognize = rospy.ServiceProxy('/qt_robot/speech/recognize', speech_recognize)
# block/wait for ros service

speechSay("Say something after the beep.")
while not rospy.is_shutdown():
speechSay('#CAR HORN#')
resp = recognize(language='en-US', options='', timeout=0)
rospy.loginfo("I got: %s", resp.transcript)
if resp.transcript:
speechSay("You said %s " % resp.transcript)



  • You can run the Nivida Riva ASR docker automatically when the QTrobot starts. To do that
    1. first create a startup file in ~/robot/autostart folder:

      tocuh ~/robot/autostart/
      chmod +x ~/robot/autostart/
      nano ~/robot/autostart/

      and copy past the follwing content:

      # !/bin/bash
      source /home/qtrobot/robot/autostart/
      LOG_FILE=$(prepare_logfile "$SCRIPT_NAME")
      cd ~/robot/riva_quickstart_arm64_v2.14.0
      bash ./ ./ -s
      } &>> ${LOG_FILE}
    2. add run_script "" into ~/robot/autostart/ file before the last line as follows:

      run_script ""
      } &>> ${LOG_FILE}