Configure QTrobot TTS language
Goal: learn about how to set a language of QTrobot TTS
This tutorial is for the customers how bought additional TTS languages!
In this tutorial you will learn how to set a language for QTrobot Speech interface.
Create a python project
First we create a python project for our tutorial. let's call it tutorial_qt_speech
and add the required python file:
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
catkin_create_pkg tutorial_qt_speech rospy roscpp -D "Set QTrobot TTS language"
cd tutorial_qt_speech/src
chmod +x
Now lets see how we can change a voice (language) of QTrobot. Following are some standard supported languages:
- en-US (American English)
- fr-FR (French)
- de-DE (German)
You may have different languages installed on your QTrobot. This tutorial will use English and French language.
Open the
file and add the following code:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import rospy
from std_msgs.msg import String
from qt_robot_interface.srv import *
if __name__ == '__main__':
rospy.loginfo("my_tutorial_node started!")
# define a ros service
speechConfig = rospy.ServiceProxy('/qt_robot/speech/config', speech_config)
# define a ros service
speechSay = rospy.ServiceProxy('/qt_robot/speech/say', speech_say)
# block/wait for ros service
# block/wait for ros service
status = speechConfig("en-US",0,0)
if status:
speechSay("Hello, I am speaking English")
status = False
status = speechConfig("fr-FR",0,0)
if status:
speechSay("Bonjour, Je parle français")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
ROS Services are defined by srv files, which contains a request message and a response message. First we import all from qt_robot_interface.srv
. This will import all srv files that are under qt_robot_interface.srv
. We need to use speech_config
How do we know which service an interface uses? well, There is a useful command in ROS which tells you that:
rosservice info /qt_robot/speech/config
Type: qt_robot_interface/speech_config
Args: language pitch speed
Then we defined a service /qt_robot/speech/config
and call rospy.wait_for_service()
to block until a service is available.
Finally we called a ROS service with a wanted language and if everything is ok service will return "True". After that we call /qt_robot/speech/say
service with text message to check the configured language.